Fixed income: Listin
Fixed income: Listing of bond loans on the Corporate Bond List (93/09)
May 19, 2009 05:52 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB decides to officially list the following loans on the Corporate Bond List with effect from May 20th, 2009. Short name Order book id VASA 367 O2 66109 SWHO...
May 19, 2009 05:50 ET | Ørsted A/S
New pdf attached due to technical problems. No changes in content. Sound results despite economic recession The Supervisory Board of DONG Energy A/S has today approved the interim financial...
Inregistrering av ob
Inregistrering av obligationer på Företagsobligationslistan (93/09)
May 19, 2009 05:50 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB beslutar att inregistrera följande lån på Företagsobligationslistan fr.o.m. den 20 maj 2009. Kortnamn Orderboks ID VASA 367 O2 66109 SWHO 3077...
Los fabricantes de automóviles luchan para añadir contenido sin que resulte excesivo
May 19, 2009 05:46 ET | Gentex
ZEELAND, MI--(Marketwire - May 19, 2009) - Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ: GNTX) -- La demanda cada vez mayor de elementos de asistencia al conductor nuevos y emergentes está creando un dilema para...
Annual Report 2008
May 19, 2009 05:40 ET | United Plantations Berhad, Malaysia
The Company hereby announces its Annual Report 2008. ...
Insiders handel
May 19, 2009 05:37 ET | Ennogie Solar Group A/S
I henhold til værdipapirhandelsloven skal SmallCap Danmark A/S indberette ledende medarbejdere og disses nærtståendes transaktioner i selskabets aktier. I den forbindelse skal vi oplyse om...
NCC renoverar Freifjordtunneln i Norge för cirka 220 MSEK
May 19, 2009 05:30 ET | NCC AB
NCC renoverar Freifjordtunneln i Norge för cirka 220 MSEK NCC Construction Norge har fått i uppdrag att renovera den 5 km långa Freifjordtunneln på Vestlandet i Norge. Uppdragsgivare är norska...
NCC to renovate Freifjord tunnel in Norway for approximately SEK 220 million
May 19, 2009 05:30 ET | NCC AB
NCC to renovate Freifjord tunnel in Norway for approximately SEK 220 million NCC Construction Norway has been commissioned to renovate the five-kilometer-long Freifjord tunnel in Vestlandet, Norway....
Ordinær indfrielse af garantiobligationerne ”0 % Kommuninvest Tyrkiske Lira II Extra/ Super 2009”
May 19, 2009 05:18 ET | Kommuninvest i Sverige AB
Med henvisning til det tidligere offentliggjorte Informationsmateriale, sker ordinær indfrielse af de valutaindekserede obligationer ”0 % Kommuninvest Tyrkiske Lira II Extra 2009” (ISIN kode...
Debt Office plans no exchange of 30-year bond for now
May 19, 2009 04:55 ET | Riksgälden
The Debt Office has decided not to exchange government bond 1053 for other bonds at present.   Our assessment, based on comments from the market, is that there is currently limited interest...