Nordea höjer boräntorna
January 19, 2007 07:52 ET | Nordea Bank AB (publ)
Nordea höjer boräntornaMåndagen den 22 januari höjer Nordea Hypotek sina utlåningsräntor. Efter ändringen gäller tills vidare följande räntor. Löptid...
Wilhelm Sonesson: Firmaändring av Wilh. Sonesson AB
January 19, 2007 07:44 ET | Midsona AB
Firmaändring av Wilh. Sonesson AB Wilh. Sonesson AB kommer fr.o.m. den 22 januari 2007 att noteras under sitt nya firmanamn Midelfart Sonesson AB Nytt kortnamn: MSON A Oförändrad ISIN-kod:...
First North: New sha
First North: New share for trading, New Nordic Healthbrands AB (17/07)
January 19, 2007 07:34 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
New Nordic Healthbrands AB shares will be traded on First North as from January 23, 2007. Short name: NNH Number of shares: 6 195 200 ISIN code: SE0001838038 Round lot: 200 Orderbook ID: 38278 GICS...
Maconomy, new employee elected Board Member
January 19, 2007 07:34 ET | Maconomy A/S
Bo Stig Hansen, Department Manager - Development, and employee elected board member has decided to resign as of February 28, 2007. Alternate director is Jens Wandler, Business Consultant, who has...
Maconomy, ny medarbejderrepræsentant i bestyrelsen
January 19, 2007 07:30 ET | Maconomy A/S
Det medarbejdervalgte bestyrelsesmedlem Bo Stig Hansen, Department Manager - Development har efter eget ønske valgt at fratræde sin stilling pr. 28. februar 2006. Suppleant til bestyrelsen er Jens...
First North: New sha
First North: New share for trading, New Nordic Healthbrands AB (17/07)
January 19, 2007 07:26 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
New Nordic Healthbrands AB shares will be traded on First North as from January 23, 2007. Short name: NNH Number of shares: 6 195 200 ISIN code: SE0001838038 Round lot: 200 Orderbook ID: 38278 GICS...
First North: New sha
First North: New share for trading, New Nordic Healthbrands AB (17/07)
January 19, 2007 07:22 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
New Nordic Healthbrands AB shares will be traded on First North as from January 23, 2007. Short name: NNH Number of shares: 6 195 200 ISIN code: SE0001838038 Round lot: 200 Orderbook ID: 38278 GICS...
Alfesca - Discussions regarding company acquistion
January 19, 2007 07:18 ET | Alfesca hf.
As previously announced, Alfesca intends to grow and develop the core pillars of its business by actively seeking acquisition and investment opportunities that strengthen its business in a dynamic...
Intertech Names Medical Device Veteran Head of Systems Engineering
January 19, 2007 07:17 ET | Intertech
NORWOOD, MA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- January 19, 2007 --Intertech Engineering Associates Inc., medical-device consultants and engineers, has hired Robert Barrett as its director of systems...
FIH Erhvervsbank, Stock Exchange Announcement 2/2007 - FIH Erhvervsbank and ATP behind new financial product
January 19, 2007 07:10 ET | FIH Realkredit A/S
FIH Erhvervsbank and ATP enter into financial cooperation on a newly established daughter company - FIH Kapital Bank. The company is established to obtain a more diversified funding strategy. The...