Atari Masterpieces Volume 1 lives on the N-Gage platform
October 12, 2005 03:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Espoo, Finland - Nokia today announced that it has shipped Atari Masterpieces Volume 1 for the N-Gage platform.  This bumper pack includes not just one but eight classic games such as Asteroids,...
Net Insight receives
Net Insight receives order of equipment for uncompressed HDTV
October 12, 2005 02:56 ET | Net Insight AB
In the production process the uncompressed camera streams are transported through a fiber network to the broadcasters' studios where the signals are mixed, and graphics and other information are added...
Net Insight erhåller
Net Insight erhåller order på utrustning för okomprimerad HDTV
October 12, 2005 02:53 ET | Net Insight AB
I produktionsledet transporteras de okomprimerade kameraströmmarna via fibernät till TV-bolagens studios. Där mixas signalerna och grafik och annan information adderas innan programmet distribueras...
Odfjell -- Sale of Two Ships
October 12, 2005 02:50 ET | Odfjell
BERGEN, Norway, Oct. 12, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- As part of our fleet renewal process, Odfjell has entered into an agreement to sell the two sister ships M/T Bow Transporter (39,738 dwt./built 1983) and...
Ruokakesko uudistaa toimintaansa ja organisaatiotaan
October 12, 2005 02:49 ET | Kesko Oyj
Ruokakesko johtaa K-ruokakauppaketjuja sekä vastaa osto-, markkinointi- ja logistiikkatoiminnoista sekä kauppapaikoista. K-ruokakauppojen ohjaus tiivistetään kuudesta kolmeen yksikköön, jotka ovat...
Kesko Food to reform its operations and organisation
October 12, 2005 02:46 ET | Kesko Oyj
Kesko Food manages the K-food store chains and is responsible for purchasing, marketing and logistics operations and store sites. The management of the K-food stores is concentrated from six to three...
Odfjell - Sale of Tw
Odfjell - Sale of Two Ships
October 12, 2005 02:42 ET | Odfjell SE
The two ships are fully coated and have primarily been operating in our world-wide service. We expect that the ships will be delivered to their new owner within the end of November 2005....
Odfjell - Sale of Tw
Odfjell - Sale of Two Ships
October 12, 2005 02:42 ET | Odfjell SE
The two ships are fully coated and have primarily been operating in our world-wide service. We expect that the ships will be delivered to their new owner within the end of November 2005.  ...
Aspokem Establishes Subsidiary In Sweden
October 12, 2005 02:40 ET | Aspo Plc
Aspokem, a subsidiary of Aspo Plc, has established a subsidiary in Sweden. Aspokem AB will initially market plastic raw materials and later industrial chemicals and automotive chemicals in bulk...
Aspokem perusti tytäryhtiön Ruotsiin
October 12, 2005 02:40 ET | Aspo Plc
Aspo-konserniin kuuluva Aspokem on perustanut tytäryhtiön Ruotsiin. Aspokem AB tulee markkinoimaan aluksi muoviraaka-aineita sekä jatkossa myös teollisuuskemikaaleja  ja autokemikaalien...