Securities Arbitration Law Firm of Klayman & Toskes, P.A. Announces that WorldCom Investors Have 49 Days to "Opt Out" of Class Action Lawsuit -- WCOEQ, MCWEQ, MCIAV
January 02, 2004 14:33 ET
Klayman & Toskes P.A.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Law Firm of Klayman & Toskes, P.A. (_K&T_) ( is pursuing individual securities arbitration claims worth hundreds of millions of... Option Picks Average Short-Term Gains of More Than One Hundred Percent; Recent Momentum Plays Up Thirty Percent
January 02, 2004 14:27 ET
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 2, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- The following is an investment opinion issued by
Selections featured in recent,, Option...
PharmChem Announces Amendment to Loan Agreement and Extension of AOUSC Contract
January 02, 2004 11:29 ET
PharmChem, Inc.
HALTOM CITY, Texas, Jan. 2, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- PharmChem, Inc. (OTCBB:PCHM) announced that it has reached an agreement with its principal lender, Silicon Valley Bank (the "Bank"), to amend the...
Proha Plc -- Notification Pursuant To Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Market Act Concerning Changes In Ownership
January 02, 2004 09:27 ET
Proha OYJ
HELSINKI, Finland, Jan. 02, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Proha Plc: As per information received today by Proha Plc the share ownership by Lars Nyqvist has decreased to below five cent of all Proha Plc...
Highway Holdings Expands Business with World's Leading Lighting Company
January 02, 2004 07:30 ET
Highway Holdings Limited
HONG KONG, Jan. 2, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Highway Holdings Limited (Nasdaq:HIHO) today announced it has received an initial original equipment manufacturing order from OSRAM GmbH, a subsidiary of...
Stockholmsborsen -- Statistics 2003
January 02, 2004 07:22 ET
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 02, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Statistics(1) 2003
- Total share turnover amounted to EUR 415 (483) billion.
- The turnover rate was 113 (118) per cent.
- The total derivative...
Subscription of Kesko Corporation's B shares with warrants
January 02, 2004 07:00 ET
Kesko Oyj
During the period from 11 December to 31 December 2003, a total of 24,300 Kesko's B shares were subscribed with C warrants under the 2000 stock option scheme. In accordance with the terms of the stock...
Kesko Oyj:n B-sarjan osakkeiden merkintä optio-oikeuksilla
January 02, 2004 07:00 ET
Kesko Oyj
Keskon vuoden 2000 optio-ohjelman C-optioilla on merkitty 24 300 kappaletta Keskon B-sarjan osakkeita 11.12.-31.12.2003. Optio-ohjelman ehtojen mukaisesti merkintähinta on C-optioilla 10,11 euroa...
Kesko Food will test discounters in Finland
January 02, 2004 06:30 ET
Kesko Oyj
The plan is to open pilot stores in Anjalankoski, Jämsänkoski, Haukipudas, Kotka, Mänttä, Vantaa, Viitasaari, Virrat and Ylivieska in spring 2004. Decisions on the length of the pilot period and on...
Ruokakesko testaa halpahintamyymälöitä Suomessa
January 02, 2004 06:30 ET
Kesko Oyj
Suunnitelman mukaan testikauppoja avataan keväällä 2004 Anjalankoskella, Jämsänkoskella, Haukiputaalla, Kotkassa, Mäntässä, Vantaalla, Viitasaarella, Virroilla ja Ylivieskassa. Päätökset testin...