Announces Review of Options Concerning Cellular Wholesalers Operations
April 27, 2000 16:13 ET |
DALLAS, April 27, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Focus Affiliates, Inc. (dba (Nasdaq:FONE) announced today that it is reviewing its strategic options with regard to its Cellular Wholesalers...
Hudson's Grill will Request No Action Position from SEC
April 27, 2000 15:14 ET | Hudson's Grill International, Inc.
DALLAS, April 27, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Hudson's Grill of America, Inc. (OTCBB:HDSG), based in Dallas, Texas, announced today that it will request a no action position from the SEC based on its...
April 27, 2000 11:01 ET | Schibsted
The shareholders of Schibsted ASA are hereby informed that the Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 17:00 hrs at the company’s premises in Apotekergt. 10, Oslo. Voting...
April 27, 2000 11:01 ET | Schibsted
Aksjeeierne i Schibsted ASA innkalles herved til ordinær generalforsamling torsdag 11. mai 2000 kl. 17.00 i selskapets lokaler i Apotekergaten 10, Oslo. Stemmesedler utdeles i møtelokalet fra kl....
Annual General Meeti
Annual General Meeting of Lindab AB
April 27, 2000 10:03 ET | Lindab International AB
At the Annual General Meeting of Lindab AB today Svend Holst-Nielsen, Torbjörn Arvidsson, Anders Jungersen, Knud Koch Jensen, Claes Lindqvist, Agnete Raaschou-Nielsen, Hans Schmidt-Hansen and...
Bolagsstämma i Linda
Bolagsstämma i Lindab AB
April 27, 2000 10:01 ET | Lindab International AB
Vid Lindabs bolagsstämma idag omvaldes styrelseledamöterna Svend Holst-Nielsen, Torbjörn Arvidsson, Anders Jungersen, Knud Koch Jensen, Claes Lindqvist, Agnete Raaschou-Nielsen, Hans Schmidt-Hansen...
Presentasjon av 1. k
Presentasjon av 1. kvartal 2000
April 27, 2000 08:42 ET | Sparebank 1 SMN
Presentasjon av 1. kvartal 2000 for Sparebank 1 Midt-Norge er nå tilgjengelig på følgende link:...
Staff Notice
April 27, 2000 08:35 ET | AFRY
As of May 1st, 2000, Tapio Aalto will be responsible for the operations of the Forest Industry business group’s European local office network. The objective is to develop the business group’s local...
Shareholders in Industriförvaltnings AB Kinnevik (publ) are hereby informed that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 a.m. on Friday, May 26, 2000 at Gamla Stans Bryggeri, Tullhus 2, Skeppsbron, Stockholm.
April 27, 2000 08:28 ET | Kinnevik
NOTIFICATION   Shareholders who wish to participate in the Annual General Meeting shall: be entered in the register of shareholders maintained by the Swedish Securities Register Center (VPC)...
Interim Report Janua
Interim Report January - March 2000
April 27, 2000 08:25 ET | Corem Property Group AB
Information Highway assists enterprises in exploiting the business opportunities presented by the new network economy. Information Highway consolidates its clients' competitiveness, making them...