- Viðauki við tilboðsyfirlit
June 25, 2007 06:33 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Sjá viðhengi. ...
- Appendix to Offer Document
June 25, 2007 06:33 ET | Actavis Group hf.
See attachment. ...
- Stjórn Actavis mælir með nýju tilboði Novator
June 22, 2007 10:24 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Novator, félag í eigu stjórnarformanns Actavis, Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, hefur í dag sent út tilkynningu þess efnis að félagið muni birta hluthöfum í Actavis nýtt yfirtökutilboð. Tilboðið...
- Actavis' Board recommends Novator's revised offer
June 22, 2007 10:24 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 22 June, 2007 ― The Board of Actavis Group, the international generic pharmaceuticals company (OMX: ACT), notes the revised voluntary offer that Novator has made today to acquire...
- Tilkynning frá Novator
June 22, 2007 09:01 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Þann 10. maí 2007 tilkynnti Novator, félag í eigu Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, til OMX Nordic Exchange á Íslandi, að félagið hefði ákveðið að gera yfirtökutilboð í gegnum nýstofnað...
- Announcement from Novator
June 22, 2007 09:01 ET | Actavis Group hf.
On 10 May 2007 Novator, an investment firm owned by Bjorgolfur Thor Bjorgolfsson, announced to the OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland that it would, through a newly formed company, Novator...
- Actavis Board's opinion of the Novator offer
June 08, 2007 11:30 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 8 June, 2007 ― Actavis Group, the international generic pharmaceuticals company (OMX: ACT), today announces that further to it's statement on 1 June, 2007, the Actavis Board of...
- Álit stjórnar Actavis á tilboði Novator
June 08, 2007 11:30 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Stjórn Actavis hefur lagt formlegt mat á tilboð Novator, félags í eigu Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, stjórnarformanns Actavis, sem birt var hluthöfum þann 1. júní síðastliðinn. Tilboðið var...
- Birting yfirtökutilboðs Novator til hluthafa Actavis
June 01, 2007 06:49 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Actavis staðfestir að félaginu hefur borist formlegt frjálst yfirtökutilboð frá Novator, félags í eigu Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, stjórnarformanns Actavis. Tilboðið er til hluthafa A hlutabréfa...
- Actavis takeover offer published
June 01, 2007 06:49 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 1 June 2007 ― Further to the announcement on 10 May, Actavis Group (OMX: ACT) confirms that it has received a formal voluntary offer from Novator, an investment firm led by...