Recording of the Sec
Recording of the Second Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar
October 04, 2018 02:50 ET | Olainfarm
  On October 3 AS „Olainfarm” organized its Investor Conference Online Webinar. During the webinar the Advisor to the Board of AS „Olainfarm” Salvis Lapiņš analyzed the financial results of second...
Ir noslēgusies AS "O
Ir noslēgusies AS "Olainfarm" 2018. gada 2. ceturkšņa virtuālā konference
October 04, 2018 02:50 ET | Olainfarm
 3. oktobrī AS „Olainfarm” aizvadīja virtuālo konferenci investoriem. Konferences laikā AS „Olainfarm” Valdes padomnieks investoru attiecību jautājumos Salvis Lapiņš analizēja 2018. gada 2....
JSC Olainfarm holds
JSC Olainfarm holds Second Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar
October 03, 2018 08:49 ET | Olainfarm
Olainfarm holds Second Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar JSC Olainfarm invites shareholders, investors, mass media representatives and other stakeholders to join its investor conference...
 AS Olainfarm rīko 2
AS Olainfarm rīko 2018. gada 2. ceturkšņa virtuālo konferenci
October 03, 2018 08:49 ET | Olainfarm
AS Olainfarm rīko 2018. gada 2. ceturkšņa virtuālo konferenci AS Olainfarm aicina visus akcionārus, investorus, masu mediju pārstāvjus un ikvienu interesentu piedalīties uzņēmuma rīkotajā...
Papildināts: Paziņoj
Papildināts: Paziņojums par akciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm” ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu 2018.gada 22.novembrī
October 02, 2018 09:10 ET | Olainfarm
Paziņojums papildināts ar statūtu grozījumu projektu. 1.      Statūtu grozījumu projekts: 1.1.        Veikt sekojošus grozījumus Akciju...
Amendments to the: A
Amendments to the: Announcement About Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders JSC Olainfarm
October 02, 2018 09:10 ET | Olainfarm
The Announcement is supplemented by Amendment of Statutes. 1. Amendment of Statutes proposed for voting. 1.1. Initiate following amendments to the Statutes of the Joint Stock Company...
AS “Olainfarm” Padom
AS “Olainfarm” Padomes locekles Irīnas Maliginas paziņojums: “Ciešā sadarbībā ar uzņēmuma Valdi esam atsākuši darbu pie uzņēmuma attīstības un tas ir jāturpina”
October 01, 2018 10:27 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm” jaunā padome sadarbojoties ar uzņēmuma valdi ir atsākusi uzņēmuma attīstības un izaugsmes plāna izpildi, lai dzīvē realizētu Valērija Maligina vīziju par “Olainfarm” kā pastāvīgi...
Statement by Irina M
Statement by Irina Maligina, Member of the Supervisory Council at JSC Olainfarm: "In close cooperation with the Board of directors, we have resumed work on the development of the company and this should be continued"
October 01, 2018 10:27 ET | Olainfarm
The new Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm in cooperation with the company's Board has resumed the implementation of the company's development and growth plan in order to realize Valery Maligin's...
Paziņojums par akcij
Paziņojums par akciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm” ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu
September 28, 2018 09:22 ET | Olainfarm
Akciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm”, vienotais reģistrācijas Nr. 40003007246, juridiskā adrese: Rūpnīcu iela 5, Olaine, LV-2114, Valde paziņo, ka 2018.gada 18.septembrī ir saņemts akcionāres...
Announcement About C
Announcement About Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders JSC Olainfarm
September 28, 2018 09:22 ET | Olainfarm
  Management Board of the Joint Stock Company Olainfarm (JSC Olainfarm), unitary registration number 40003007246, registered  address: Rupnicu iela 5, Olaine, LV-2114, announces that on September...