Correction in the An
Correction in the Announcement : Dividend payment ex-date of JSC Olainfarm
September 28, 2018 04:03 ET | Olainfarm
Correction: corrected contact person data. The contacts of ex-member of the Board S.Lapiņs are replaced by the current Board member of JSC Olainfarm Inga Krūkle. An error occurred due to the usage of...
Precizēta ziņa: Par
Precizēta ziņa: Par AS “Olainfarm” akciju dividendēm
September 28, 2018 04:03 ET | Olainfarm
Precizējums: mainīti ziņas sagatavotajā kontakti, bijušo valdes locekli Salvi Lapiņu nomainot pret valdes locekli Ingu Krūkli. Kļūda paziņojumā skaidrojama ar to, ka informācija tika sagatavota...
Dividend payment ex-
Dividend payment ex-date of AS “Olainfarm”
September 28, 2018 02:00 ET | Olainfarm
Dividend payment ex-date of AS “Olainfarm” AS “Olainfarm” (OLF1R, ISIN code LV0000100501) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on October 3, 2018 at the end of the working day of...
Par AS “Olainfarm” a
Par AS “Olainfarm” akciju dividendēm
September 28, 2018 02:00 ET | Olainfarm
Par AS “Olainfarm” akciju dividendēm 2018. gada 3. oktobris ir Ieraksta datumus, uz kuru tiks fiksēts AS “Olainfarm” (OLF1R, ISIN code LV0000100501) akcionāru saraksts dividenžu saņemšanai.   ...
JSC Olainfarm will h
JSC Olainfarm will hold Second Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar
September 27, 2018 02:09 ET | Olainfarm
JSC Olainfarm invites shareholders, investors, mass media representatives and other stakeholders to join its investor conference webinar scheduled on October 3, 2018 at 16:00 (EEST). To join the...
AS Olainfarm aicina
AS Olainfarm aicina investorus uz 2018. gada 2. ceturkšņa virtuālo konferenci
September 27, 2018 02:09 ET | Olainfarm
AS Olainfarm aicina visus akcionārus, investorus, masu mediju pārstāvjus un ikvienu interesentu piedalīties uzņēmuma rīkotajā virtuālajā konferencē 2018. gada 3. oktobrī plkst. 16:00 (pēc Latvijas...
JSC Olainfarm Group
JSC Olainfarm Group sales increase by 13% in August
September 21, 2018 11:07 ET | Olainfarm
Consolidated Results of 8 months and August, 2018 Preliminary consolidated Olainfarm Group sales results in August of 2018 have reached 9.1million euros and that is 13% more compared to...
AS Olainfarm” grupas
AS Olainfarm” grupas realizācija augustā palielinājusies par 13%
September 21, 2018 11:07 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm” provizoriskie konsolidētie 2018. gada augusta rezultāti liecina, ka produktu realizācija ir sasniegusi 9,1 miljonu eiro, kas ir par 13% vairāk nekā 2017. gada augustā. Lielākais...
AS “Olainfarm” akcij
AS “Olainfarm” akcijām jau trešais tirgus nodrošinātājs
September 19, 2018 03:00 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm” ir kļuvusi par vienu no retajiem biržas uzņēmumiem Baltijas valstīs, kam turpmāk būs jau trīs akciju tirgus nodrošinātāji. Par jaunāko AS “Olainfarm” akciju tirgus nodrošinātāju ir...
JSC Olainfarm attrac
JSC Olainfarm attracts third Market Maker
September 19, 2018 03:00 ET | Olainfarm
JSC Olainfarm announces that the Company has signed a Market Maker agreement with international investment company UAB “Orion Securities” thus joining few other Joint Stock companies in Baltics...