Precizēts ziņas  "AS
Precizēts ziņas "AS “Olainfarm” : uzņēmuma padome ir ievēlēta tiesiski un strādā uzņēmuma ilgtermiņa interesēs" teksts
September 13, 2018 08:49 ET | Olainfarm
Precizēta ziņas 3.rindkopa: vārds "birža" ir aizstāts ar vārdu "tirgus", lai precizētu vēstījumu.  AS “Olainfarm”  jaunā padome ir ievēlēta tiesiski, pārstāv akcionāru intereses un strādā...
Correction in Announ
Correction in Announcement of JSC Olainfarm: the Council of the company has been elected legally and works for the long-term interests of the company
September 13, 2018 08:49 ET | Olainfarm
Correction in the 3rd paragraph of the Announcement:  Word "the stock exchange" has been replaced with the word "the market",  to clarify the message.  The new council of JSC Olainfarm has...
AS “Olainfarm” : uzņ
AS “Olainfarm” : uzņēmuma padome ir ievēlēta tiesiski un strādā uzņēmuma ilgtermiņa interesēs
September 13, 2018 05:13 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm”  jaunā padome ir ievēlēta tiesiski, pārstāv akcionāru intereses un strādā uzņēmuma ilgtermiņa interesēs, realizējot un attīstot Valērija Maligina uzņēmuma attīstības vīziju.  Jaunajai...
JSC Olainfarm: the C
JSC Olainfarm: the Council of the Company has been elected legally and works for the long-term interests of the company
September 13, 2018 05:13 ET | Olainfarm
The new council of JSC Olainfarm has been elected legally, represents the interests of shareholders and works in the long-term interests of the company, implementing and developing the vision of...
Notice of Changes in
Notice of Changes in the Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm
September 12, 2018 01:56 ET | Olainfarm
The Joint Stock Company Olainfarm hereby informs about the receipt of the notice from the member of the Council of the Joint Stock Company "Olainfarm" Signe Baldere-Sildedze on leaving the Supervisory...
AS" Olainfarm" paziņ
AS" Olainfarm" paziņo par izmaiņām uzņēmuma padomē
September 12, 2018 01:56 ET | Olainfarm
Ar šo Akciju sabiedrība “Olainfarm” paziņo, ka ir saņemts Akciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm” padomes locekles Signes Balderes - Sildedzes paziņojums par padomes locekļa amata atstāšanu ar 2018.gada...
Management Board of
Management Board of JSC Olainfarm: Olainfarm will continue its development as intended by V. Maligins
September 07, 2018 02:48 ET | Olainfarm
The Board of JSC "Olainfarm" informs that the newly elected company's Council and the Board constructively cooperate, and the first joint meeting took place already on September 4. The Council of the...
AS” Olainfarm” valde
AS” Olainfarm” valde: koncerns turpinās savu attīstību, kā bija iecerējis V. Maligins
September 07, 2018 02:48 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm” valde informē, ka jaunievēlētā uzņēmuma padome un valdes konstruktīvi sadarbojas, un 4.septembrī notikusi pirmā kopīgā padomes un valdes sēde. Uzņēmuma padome pārrunāja un...
Correction: Jaunievē
Correction: Jaunievēlētās AS "Olainfarm" valdes locekles Ingas Krūkles CV
September 06, 2018 03:33 ET | Olainfarm
 Labojums: Ziņa papildināta ar informāciju par AS "Olainfarm" valdes loceklei I.Krūklei piederošo akciju skaitu un atsauci uz Padomes lēmumu par izmaiņām valdē. CURRICULUM VITAE  ...
Correction: CV of In
Correction: CV of Inga Krūkle, newly elected Board member of JSC Olainfarm
September 06, 2018 03:33 ET | Olainfarm
Correction: The announcement was supplemented with information on the number of shares, owned by the member of the Board of JSC "Olainfarm" I.Krūkle and reference to the Council decision on changes in...