N1 hf. - Breyting á
N1 hf. - Breyting á nafni útgefanda og auðkenni tilboðabókar
06 nov. 2018 06h31 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
N1 hf. – Hluthafafundur hefur samþykkt breytingu á nafni félagsins í Festi hf., sjá tilkynningu frá félaginu dags. 25. september 2018. Af þessu tilefni verður nafni félagsins ásamt auðkenni...
N1 hf. – Issuer name
N1 hf. – Issuer name and orderbook symbol change
06 nov. 2018 06h31 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
N1 hf. – The company’s shareholders meeting has approved the name change of the company to Festi hf., ref to an announcement from the company made public on September 25, 2018. Pursuant...
Nasdaq Iceland tempo
Nasdaq Iceland temporarily changes the thresholds for dynamic volatility guards for shares of Icelandair Group hf.
05 nov. 2018 08h30 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Nasdaq Iceland has decided to temporarily change the thresholds for dynamic volatility guards for shares of Icelandair Group hf., from 3% to 10%. The change will revert back to previous values on...
Nasdaq Iceland breyt
Nasdaq Iceland breytir tímabundið viðmiðum fyrir kvika sveifluverði fyrir hlutabréf Icelandair Group hf.
05 nov. 2018 08h30 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Nasdaq Iceland hefur tímabundið breytt viðmiðum fyrir kvika sveifluverði (e. dynamic volatility guards) fyrir Icelandair Group hf. úr 3% í 10%. Breytingin mun ganga til baka frá og með 6. nóvember...
Lift of Suspension i
Lift of Suspension in Icelandair Group hf. at XICE
05 nov. 2018 07h05 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Lifting of Suspension At Trading Venue XICE   Issuer: Icelandair Group hf.  LEI: 549300UMI5MBLZSXGL15 Instrument: ICEAIR,...
Skuldabréf Icelandai
Skuldabréf Icelandair hf. (auðkenni: ICEAIR 15 1) hljóta athugunarmerkingu
31 oct. 2018 05h25 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Skuldabréf Icelandair hf. (auðkenni: ICEAIR 15 1) hafa hlotið athugunarmerkingu með tilvísun í tilkynningu Icelandair hf. sem birtist þann 30. október 2018 kl. 19:23:37 CET, í ljósi þess útgefandi...
Bonds issued by Icel
Bonds issued by Icelandair hf. (symbol: ICEAIR 15 1) receive observation status
31 oct. 2018 05h25 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Bonds issued by Icelandair hf. (Symbol: ICEAIR 15 1) have received observation status with reference to an announcement published by Icelandair hf. on October 30th 2018, 19:23:37 CET, due to the...
Ársfjórðungsskýrsla Nordic Surveillance fyrir Q3 2018
30 oct. 2018 08h26 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Meðfylgjandi er ársfjórðungsskýrsla eftirlitsviða Nasdaq Nordic fyrir þriðja ársfjórðung 2018. Ársfjórðungsskýrslurnar hafa að geyma upplýsingar um venjubundna starfsemi eftirlitssviða kauphallanna,...
Nordic Surveillance
Nordic Surveillance quarterly report for Q3 2018
30 oct. 2018 08h26 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Please find attached the Nordic Surveillance report for the third quarter of 2018. The quarterly reports describe the main day-to-day activities and achievements within Nordic Surveillance. The...
Reginn hf. - Bonds (
Reginn hf. - Bonds (REGINN250948) admitted to trading on October 24, 2018
23 oct. 2018 08h39 HE | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
    Issuer Information   1 Issuer: Reginn hf. 2 Org....