September 04, 2001 06:03 ET | Metso Corporation
Processen för att erhålla ett godkännande från US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) för Metsokoncernens bud på Svedala Industri AB är i det närmaste slutförd. Metso har kommit överens med FTCs tjänstemän...
SEB börjar sälja hed
SEB börjar sälja hedgefond med lägre insats
September 04, 2001 06:00 ET | SEB
Som första svenska bank börjar SEB sälja en hedgefondobligation med insats från 10 000 kronor. Tidigare har SEB givit ut hedgefondobligationer men då med högre insatser. Efterfrågan från kunder om...
L'OREAL: Strong Growth in Half-year Earnings; Net Profit up by 26.3%
September 04, 2001 05:35 ET | CompanynewsGroup
PARIS, Sept. 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- L'OREAL (Paris Stock Exchange:OR) -- The group's consolidated net sales at June 30, 2001 amounted to E 6.98 billion. Sales growth was 13.5% compared with...
Roxen Internet Software Acquires Spectral
September 04, 2001 04:26 ET | Roxen Internet Software AB
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Sept. 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Roxen Internet Software (SSE:ROX) today announced that it is acquiring the product rights and customer base of Web Content Management (WCM) vendor...
Nokia toimittaa 3G-verkkoratkaisun Telia Mobile Finlandille
September 04, 2001 04:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia ja Telia Mobile Finland ovat allekirjoittaneet sopimuksen 3G-verkon toimittamisesta Suomessa. Nokia on sekä 3G-runko- että -radioverkon ainoa toimittaja. Lisäksi Nokia toimittaa Telia Mobile...
Nokia selected as sole end-to-end 3G supplier for Telia Mobile Finland's network
September 04, 2001 04:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia and Telia Mobile Finland have agreed on the supply of Telia's 3G network in Finland. Under the contract, Nokia will be sole supplier of both 3G core- and radio-access network infrastructure, as...
CeNeS Appoints Dan Welch to Board of Directors
September 04, 2001 02:50 ET | Hugin Online
CAMBRIDGE, UK, Sept. 3, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- CeNeS Pharmaceuticals plc (LSE:CEN.L) today announced the appointment of Mr. Dan Welch to the Board as a non-executive director. Dan Welch, currently...
Old Mutual plc
Old Mutual plc: Results for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2001 (with link)
September 04, 2001 02:27 ET | Old Mutual plc
LONDON, Sept. 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) - Old Mutual plc (LSE:OML) Highlights: -- Operating profit* of 455 million pounds (2000: 457 million pounds), a 10% increase in Rand terms to R5,195...
Nokian osakepääoman korottaminen Amber Networks, Inc. -yrityskaupan yhteydessä
September 03, 2001 08:40 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokian 6 sentin nimellisarvoisia osakkeita on merkitty 17.8.2001 rekisteröidyn osakepääoman korotuksen jälkeen yhteensä 18.329.212 kappaletta. Osakemerkinnät perustuvat Nokian hallituksen, varsinaisen...
Nokia's share capital increased in connection with the acquisition of Amber Networks, Inc.
September 03, 2001 08:40 ET | Nokia Oyj
A total of 18,329,212 Nokia shares with the par value of EUR 0.06 were subscribed for after the previous increase in the share capital was registered on August 17, 2001. The share subscriptions relate...